Tuesday, 4 August 2015

Character description- No Safe Habour

No Safe Harbour
character description.

Stuart was the person who acted like he knew anything and everything,his sister usually catches him out by asking him a question that he doesn't know the answer to.

His sister was Stuart's twin,her name was Sandra.

On the ferry,the Wahine; Stuart stuck to himself. He didn't want anything to with his sister when she was trying to flirt with these university students…

Stuart was very particular about himself. He always thought nothing of a disaster, like the storm that was going to drown the ferry. He thought highly of people; people who smile at him or talk to him. Stuart was a kind-hearted and brave person. He never puts himself before others and he made sure everyone is safe and happy.

Stuart almost drowned when he was chucked off ship by strong winds and a slippery deck. Sandra dived in and got him up on the lifeboat; Sandra saved his life. Sandra acted differently towards Stuart when she was by people she wanted to “impress” but when she wasn't, she was a caring person, always smiling!
Sandra and Stuart were more braver together.

Stuart was that kind of person that you could approach easily,he was a life saver, a hero...

By: Laura Mather.

1 comment:

  1. Great character description Laura. You have described your characters really well and by reading this book myself I know that you have the descriptions bang on.
    Well done:) Niveek
